About H&S
About H&S
Owners Davie Simpson and Chad Hiatt along with their wives Rhonda and Diana (Marge) started H&S Bee Supply in 2020. Davie and Chad have a very strong passion for honey bees. Between the two of them they have 10 years of experience in beekeeping. After the two met in 2018 it became what some would say is an obsession, but if you ask them they would say its just the life as a beekeeper. Davie and Chad are both heavily involved in the Surry County Beekeepers Association where both have been members for several years and are officers. They were involved with the bee yard project alongside the SCBA, Surry County Extension, NCDA, and the North Carolina Pesticide Board, where a study was conducted over two years. 30 colonies was used to find ways to reduce the risk to honey bees during a pesticide application. Davie and Chad also manage about 100 colonies and are continuing to expand. In early 2019 they started talking about opening their own bee supply. During the fall, plans were well on the way of turning an 8 stall horse barn into a wood shop. Early spring 2020 they opened H&S Bee Supply. All of their woodenware is built and assembled in house by Davie, Chad and their wives to a very high standard. All wood is kiln dried white pine sourced right here in North Carolina. H&S also carries a large array of other beekeeping supplies.
In 2022 they started another side to their business, raising queen and selling nucs. Davie says that rearing queens and making nucs is his favorite part of beekeeping. "It is just amazing how a beekeeper can take a good full size colony and split that colony, then in just a couple of weeks do it again as if we had done nothing. " They both are very excited about what is to come in the future.
From Davie and Chad: We both love talking about bees and helping other beekeepers and would love to hear from you. It is our main goal to help beekeepers in anyway we can. Chad and I are truly having the time of our lives. Come on by and see us we would love to see you!